Transfers – Wholesaler Confirmation

LED Bulletin 17-06

Rachel George 0 0
The Liquor Enforcement Division (“LED”) has received a number of inquiries concerning regulation 47-305. Transfers - Wholesaler Confirmation and the implementation for Local Licensing Authorities (LLA).


LED Bulletin 17-05

Rachel George 0 1
The Liquor Enforcement Division (“LED”) has received a number of inquiries regarding ordering and delivery of alcohol beverages by or on behalf of licensees permitted to engage in such deliveries, particularly when such ordering and delivery services are provided through the use of third-party e-commerce platforms, such as internet sites or mobile device applications (“Third-Party Platforms”). This Bulletin is intended to provide guidance regarding permissible and prohibited practices related to ordering and delivery services under applicable Colorado statutes and rules, including through the use of Third Party Platforms.

Fees for Art Gallery and Bed & Breakfast Permits

LED Bulletin 17-04

Rachel George 0 0
The Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division (LED) recently conducted a review of all liquor fees and permits issued by both local and state licensing authorities. During the review, an error was discovered in the state application/license and local license fees for an art gallery permit and bed and breakfast permit.

Special Event Permits Issued on a Liquor Licensed Premises

LED Bulletin 17-03

Rachel George 0 0
Special event permits are a very useful tool for non-profits to assist with raising funds for their entity. In the last 2 years, the Liquor Enforcement Division (LED) has provided training to liquor licensees and non-profit entities on the proper use and function of a special event permit. The LED issued Bulletin 16-08 concerning the use of donated alcohol for use at a special event permit and other non-profit events held on a liquor licensed premises.  Most special event permits (“SEP”) are issued to a premises that does not have a liquor license, but section 12-48-103(2)(a), C.R.S. allows for an SEP to be issued on the following liquor licensed premises: limited winery, club, arts, art gallery and a wine festival permit. This bulletin is being published to provide guidance for the use of a SEP issued on one of these premises.

Importer & Wholesaler Relationships (For Vinous & Spirituous Liquor)

LED Bulletin 17-02

Rachel George 0 0
The Colorado Liquor Enforcement Division (LED) has recently received questions concerning the Colorado licensed importer of vinous/spirituous liquor (“importer”) and how this license interacts with a Colorado licensed vinous and spirituous wholesaler (“wholesaler”) and an out of state supplier of vinous and spirituous liquor (“supplier”). Therefore, the LED is issuing this bulletin to provide guidance to Colorado vinous/spirituous importers and wholesalers, specifically concerning invoicing/payments and maintaining stock. This bulletin does not address the relationship between importers, wholesalers and suppliers of malt liquor or fermented malt beverage where the laws and rules are different.